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Taiwan Officials Visit

Taiwan Officials Visit

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Plant visit by BSI team

Plant visit by BSI team

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A Visit from HKWMA

A Visit from HKWMA

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Suzhou's Mayor came to visit

Suzhou's Mayor came to visit

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ecoWise gaining a foothold in Wuhan, Hubei

Since entering into the Wuhan market, ecoWise has been gaining recognition among her peers and government officials. Through hosting of Hubei government officials to speaking in conferences, she has since been recognized as one of the reputable sustainable company in the region.

 Recognising the tri-generation biomass power plant at Gardens by the Bay as one of our stronghold in Singapore, the Deputy Director-General of the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs of Hubei Provincial People’s Government Mr Feng Xiguo, and his delegates came to visit on 19 September 2017. The delegates were shown around the plant and were given a short ride on one of The Auto Rider, a self-driving vehicle that is powered by our power plant. They were especially awed that our power plant does not just supply energy to the Gardens, but it also powers up the vehicles driven around the Gardens, lowering the carbon footprints in the Gardens.

In July 2017, our Chief Operating Officer for China, Mr Robert Lim was invited to give a speech to a 100-strong crowd at the 2017 Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Development Fair (2017 华侨华人创业发展洽谈会). Sharing on the topic “How to achieve low carbon economy” (实现低碳环保循环经济), the audience, which is made up of 30 plus Singapore enterprise leaders and 70 plus Wuhan’s government officials, listened intently and gave their nods of approval.

ecoWise shall continue to strive to gain recognition where her presence is known. She shall continue to contribute socially, economically and environmentally to our global stakeholders.

From left: Ms Christine Cheong (Manager, ecoWise Holdings), Mr Dai Ping (Division Director of Asian Affairs Division of the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hubei Provincial People's Government), Ms Zhang Jianhong (Deputy Director-General of Hubei Radio and Television Station), Mr Feng Xiguo (Deputy Director-General of the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affirs Office of Hubei Provincial People’s Government), Mr Tan Jing Yuan (Senior Manager of Investment and Operation, ecoWise Holdings) and Ms Chen Lu (Section Chief of Asian Affairs Division of the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hubei Provincial People’s Government)
Mr Feng Xiguo was shown how wood waste is burnt in the power plant. The heat generated must be higher than 100 degree Celsius in order to generate electricity to the Gardens. The biomass power plant is also self-sustaining, lowering carbon footprints.
The delegates were in awe with The Auto Rider as they took a short ride on board the vehicle. The two Auto Riders are sponsored by ecoWise.
Mr Robert Lim (Chief Operating Officer for China, ecoWise Holdings) gave a speech to a 100-strong crowd at the 2017 Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Development Fair, held in July 2017.